We all are in love with neon sign Dubai because of their vibrant, cool and exciting design. Neon signage Dubai is extremely popular in Dubai as well as across the globe. It is a popular choice for commercial and residential settings currently, however in this Blog we will learn the perspectives from around the globe and appreciate the lengthy history that goes back to discoveries and developments between 1675 and 1850.
For this piece, we’ll examine the the history of neon signage’s.

The idea of neon technology for signs is as old as 1675.
It was before electricity, and the French Astronomer Jean Picard noticed a small glowing light emitted from the barometer tube.
While the glow could appear after the tubes were shaken by the action of static electricity however, the phenomenon was not well understood at that time in the history of science.
While it was not fully discovered but the scientific basis was studied and, a couple of years later, the discovery of electricity and developed, it gave scientists the ability to start creating a variety of lighting.
In the case of the neon signs we are familiar with as vibrant urban signs that have their unique glow first invented in the year the year 1910, by French inventor Georges Claude. The first neon lights utilized glass tubes, similar to earlier ones that were made in Germany and utilized the work of the chemists Morris Travers and Sir William Ramsey to utilize the gas called neon. Travers along with Ramsey discovered that tiny amounts of neon gas are naturally present in the atmosphere.
It may be shocking to some; however it is true that neon is the fifth most abundant element in terms of weight in the entire Universe following hydrogen, helium carbon, and oxygen. However, it is only 0.0018 percent of the earth’s atmosphere is composed of colourless and odorless gas.
Ramsey as well as Travers was the first people to discover the element. They did this first using liquid argon that was evaporated to produce Krypton.
The prevalence of neon signs around the globe

At this point, the use of neon light was already a rapidly growing technology that was later to be used all over the world, including in the Moulin Rouge, in Paris as well as Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas Strip, and New York’s Times Square and Downtown Dubai.
The lighting also was prominently displayed during the Chicago Century of Progress Exposition in 1933. The following year, in 1938 at the World’s Fair in New York, General Motors erected a gigantic neon sign with the words “Futurama” to illuminate the way to the automobile maker’s exhibit in The World of Tomorrow.
The coming decades will be a time when neon would provide a bright illumination that turns ordinary buildings into 24-hour advertisements for all types of companies.
In the late 1960s, neon started to disappear and replaced by cheaper and less labor-intensive options such as LED Neon Dubai. The business world didn’t think it would be the most efficient kind of lighting sign to promote their brand, and it was losing its cool and futuristic look.
Al Tayyeb Neon has been in business for more than 35 years. And our Neon Sign designers are proficient in the creation of high-quality, innovative and practical signage for your premises. Our team is dedicated to ensure that we fulfill all of your signage requirements. This is why we’ve devised a unique method to ensure that all legalities are met and also ensure that your signs are in line with your brand. Contact us today for details.